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You are your own healer

ayurveda spiritualawakening spirituality trust wellbeing Nov 29, 2022
Wellbeing , sadhana, yoga, emotional wellbeing, ayurveda, health, spirituality

We are so used to look for answers from outside believing that somebody else will know better. So without knowing we give our power away.

But no amount of reading, asking questions or searching “dr Google” will give you the answers you are looking for. All the answers are within. The books, teachers and mentors can only guide you towards where the answers are, within.

By constantly looking for answers and validation for our opinions from outside we lose our intuition. We lose the connection to our own truth. We lose the connection to ourselves.

All spiritual teachings guide us back to ourselves. They teach us how to quiet the outside noise, loosen the power of self doubt that we “don’t know” and help us to take our power back. Spiritual practices gently remind us that the kingdom of heaven is within.

The teacher, mentor or Guru will be the light, till you remember your own light and connect with Guru of your own heart.

In meditation and in contemplative practices, we are shown what is already within us. The truth that is within our own minds. Our inner world is reflected back to us.

The more committed we are to our inner growth and to the process of dissolving the false identities of the ego, the more we can trust the Truth. And the decisions and choices start to become so much more clearer.

In Ayurveda the power is always in the hands of the individual. There is no miracle cure that will take the problems away but rather the person needs to take full responsibility for their own life and how the actions they are taking are contributing to their current “issues”.

Ayurveda supports the person to become their own healer by strengthening the trust and intuition in themselves. So that the person will start to know and feel what is right for them or not.

Is this action/food/thought going to take me closer to my health and happiness or further away from it.

We are each the experts in our own lives. Sometimes we just forget it and give our power away but today might be the day when you say - NO more and become the Guru of your own heart.

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