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Making mornings sacred

ayurveda dinacharya health healthy sadhana spirituality wellbeing wellness Oct 25, 2022
Wellbeing , sadhana, yoga, emotional wellbeing, ayurveda, health, spirituality

How do we start our day makes a big difference in how our day plays out.

Do you usually grab for your phone, turn on TV and pour a cup of coffee as soo you get up, or do you start your day slow, intentionally, in silence and in a peaceful way? Two very different mornings and will lead to two very different days if done consistently.

Morning routine, or let’s call it a RITUAL as that’s what it really is. A sacred time with yourself, an offering to your day. Making it a priority makes a huge difference in our life. Especially when we wake up before sun during the Amrit Vela time, which is the sacred time, so we can have deeper connection to the cosmic intelligence.

Everything in life is a result of cause and effect. What we put out we get back. And taking time for ourselves, for our body and mind shows respect to this precious body and helps us to see life that has been given to us as sacred.

In Ayurveda we start the day with Dinacharya. In Sanskrit it means - follow the knowledge of the day. Establishing and following a rhythm that follows the natures rhythm. Consistent self care routine helps us to control the day, rather than the day&life controlling you.

Simple steps for Dinacharya -

  1. Wake up before 6am
  2. Tongue scraping and brushing the teeth
  3. Neti pot
  4. Drink warm water to start the digestion
  5. Move the body - simple stretches and pranayama( breathing practice)
  6. Meditation
  7. Prayer + reading sacreded texts, journaling etc

Having a daily ritual practice will help to calm the nervous system, set a tone for the day that will stay with you and most importantly creates an intimate and sacred relationship with yourself.

I will share what my mornings look like - I wake up around 5.30am, prayer and affirmation for the day before I get out from the bed, Dinacharya( Tongue scraping, brush the teeth, neti pot, oil pulling, warm water ), ritual ( Kriya, prayer and EIP)

It is also good to have an evening ritual and I will share more about evening practice in some further posts.

Do you follow Dinacharya or do you have a morning ritual? Share below with us what does yours look like!


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