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Kapha Dosha

ayurveda ayurvedacoach ayurvediclifestyle dinacharya doshas health healthy immunity kapha dosha vitality wellbeing wellness yoga Oct 10, 2023
Wellbeing ,  emotional wellbeing, ayurveda, health, spirituality , dosha, kapha, ayurvediclifestyle, allergies, congestion,

Embracing Kapha: Nurturing Stability and Endurance

In the realm of Ayurveda, Kapha represents a harmonious blend of earth and water elements. It embodies qualities of cloudiness, density, steadiness, and a refreshing coldness. Much like the tranquility of an early spring day, Kapha exudes a sense of solidity, gentleness, and unwavering strength. In our fast-paced, vata-dominant world, these attributes can often be overlooked. While strength and endurance are admirable, an excess of these traits can lead to stagnation, both in our personal journeys and in the natural world around us.

Qualities of Kapha Dosha:

  • Heavy
  • Slow
  • Steady
  • Solid
  • Cold
  • Soft
  • Oily

Individuals with dominant Kapha tendencies are inherently calm and unflappable. They find solace in routine and exhibit unwavering loyalty. Yet, this loyalty can sometimes extend to holding onto relationships, habits, or possessions long after their usefulness wanes. Excess Kapha can manifest as resistance to change, stubbornness, and an unyielding nature.

Harmony in Kapha:

Balanced Kapha invites calm, mindfulness, and love into our lives. It empowers us to be strong, patient, and supportive, with a healthy dose of endurance and stamina. In a world filled with busyness and activity, maintaining our inner Kapha is crucial.

Signs of Imbalance:

Excessive bodily fluids, congestion, lethargy, and emotional attachment are telltale signs of Kapha imbalance. It can weigh us down, both physically and emotionally. Additionally, a thick coating on the tongue, slow & sluggish digestion, excess weight, and allergies are symptoms of excess Kapha in the body.

Restoring Balance:

Restoring balance to Kapha involves embracing opposites. Since Kapha is characterised by coolness, wetness, slowness, and heaviness, infusing warmth, dryness, energy, and lightness is the key. This can be achieved through lighter meals, vibrant flavours, invigorating activities, and dynamic movements.

Additionally, introducing spontaneity and movement, both physically and mentally, can invigorate Kapha. Immerse yourself in uplifting music, seek solace in nature, and take breaks from screens to bask in the revitalising freshness of the outdoors.

Eating for Kapha:

A Kapha-balancing diet focuses on lightness, sharpness, and dryness. Embrace pungent, bitter, and astringent flavours, opting for warm, freshly cooked foods. Spice it up with chilli, black pepper, ginger, and other heating elements. Moderation is key with honey, and room temperature or warm beverages are preferred.

Favouring vegetables and protein sources like mung dal, tofu, and poultry maintains the balance. Minimise heavy oils, opting for ghee or lighter options. Meals should be consumed in a peaceful environment, with a moment of mindful pause after the last bite.

Steering Clear:

Avoid excessive sweetness, sourness, and saltiness, as well as heavy, oily, or processed foods. Keep away from cold, iced, or carbonated drinks. Steer clear of overeating, and resist the urge to indulge in deep-fried or sugary treats.



Your unique blend of doshas shapes your individuality. To discover your dominant dosha, take the dosha test HERE. For a personalised assessment of your Prakriti ( your unique combination of the three doshas) and Vikriti(current state of imbalance), I would highly recommend consulting with an Ayurvedic practitioner.

Book a one-on-one consultation with me HERE to embark on a tailored journey towards balance and harmony.

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