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Immunity boosting superfoods

ayurveda ghee health immunity vitality wellness Dec 13, 2022
ojas, true health, immunity, vitality, dates, ghee, wellbeing, ayurveda, clarified butter, healthy eating, wellness, cooking

I recently made a patch of dates soaked in ghee. So yummy 😋 

And not just yummy but also super beneficial and good for us. Why?

Dates and ghee support our vitality, immunity and emotional stability. They build Ojas. Ojas is our blissfulness, vitality and immunity. It is called the nectar of life. The juice that makes us glow. It’s our nourishment. It’s our vigour and our ability to be peaceful.

We all have Ojas but through stressful life, poor eating and lifestyle habits Ojas gets depleted.

Depleted Ojas leads to disease. When Ojas is strong and balanced we can heal ( both body and the mind can heal ) and it gives us the strength to avoid disease.

Some signs of low Ojas are - low physical endurance, adrenal fatigue, frequent colds&flus, impatience, mental imbalance and so much more.

However when Ojas is balanced and strong we feel calm, we have good endurance, we are able to feel and have empathy, we have mental and emotional stability, and we have patience, peace and persistence.

Agni ( our digestive fire ) feeds Ojas. Ojas is a direct result of our ability to digest both food and life experiences. When we eat poorly and insult our digestion or we hold onto resentments and don’t process our emotions, then that directly affects and depletes Ojas.

Ojas is affected and supported by these 4 aspects of our True Health :

  1. Ahar - diet
  2. Vihar - lifestyle
  3. Nidra - sleep quality and quantity
  4. Brahmacharya - managing our energy


However there are 3 things that have an immediate effect on Ojas and these are DATES, GHEE and RAW MILK.

So voila , by making these dates soaked in ghee I have a superfood that supports my vitality and blissfulness 😇

How to prepare Dates in Ghee

Make your own ghee

Put dried or fresh dates into a jar and pour the ghee over them.Keep it for at least 2 weeks so the dates can soak up the ghee and then enjoy the date. Use ghee in cooking, baking or on toast 😋

Enjoy ♡

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