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Ghee - the golden nectar

ayurveda ghee health healthy vata dosha wellbeing Nov 09, 2022
ghee, wellbeing, ayurveda, clarified butter, healthy eating, wellness, cooking


The best discovery in my Ayurveda journey so far is Ghee. I was familiar with what it is but I rarely ever used it. That is how ignorance is, when we don't take our time and attention to throughly learn about something, we discard it and forget about it. 

But wow, have I missed out. The rich, nourishing and luxurious qualities of this golden nectar are to die for. If you haven’t tried yet, please do yourself a favour and it ASAP.

What is ghee ?

Ghee is clarified butter where the milk impurities have been boiled out from the butter. Ghee has been used for thousands of years in Ayurveda for medicinal and ceremonial reasons.

Ghee is made of butter ( cows milk) and has gone through a clarification process (boiling) where the particles that are hard to digest ( lactose, casein etc ) have been removed.

Even though it is technically still dairy, it has this rich caramel like taste.

Benefits of ghee :

  1. Ghee’s unctuous qualities increase the juices of the body, providing ease of movement and transport of vitamins, nutrients and waste
  2. It soothes digestive system
  3. Fuels digestive fire ( Agni )
  4. It is packed with fat soluble vitamins
  5. Increases Ojas ( the essence of immunity and life )

Consuming ghee daily helps to increase sattvic qualities within the body. Harmonious and grounded qualities.

I have started to make my own ghee and it is a beautiful sacred ritual. It is best to make your ghee on full moon or in the few days following the full moon, to infuse the nectar with lunar energy.

Do you use ghee or are you feeling inspired now to bring it into your cooking?

I highly recommend. My skin is more glowing and moisturised, my digestion is better, my body feels more nourished and my nervous system is so much more grounded. It just makes me happy.


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