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How I ditched my 30 year caffeine habit

ayurveda caffeine healthy vata dosha wellbeing Nov 15, 2022
caffeine, ayurveda, latte, wellbeing, healthy, addiction, mindfulness


There are so many arguments around if it’s healthy or not, is it good for us or is not?

So what is caffeine? It is a stimulant, a drug that stimulates Vata dosha. The signs of aggravated and excessive Vata dosha are premature ageing, increased dryness, difficulty to sleep, anxiety, fatigue, adrenal exhaustion, headaches and difficult elimination due to the dryness in the colon.

There are definitely some benefits to caffeine but we can’t ignore the fact how taxing it is to our nervous system. It is rajasic, meaning it causes a lot of activity and agitation in our body, especially in our mind. That is also one fo the reason so many of us become dependent and addicted to it. The buzz, the excitement and the mental activity has it’s price though. The continual over-stimulation of the nervous system leads to mental, physical and emotional fatigue and dullness (tamas). 

I was one of them. I NEEDED the caffeine and could never imagine my life without it. In the past years I had reduced it mainly to one cup and had matcha in the afternoons but still, that is a lot of caffeine. I didn’t realise how much it was affecting my health and wellbeing. Almost being addicted to that high state and energy taking off like a rocket, not being able to peacefully enjoy the quiet time, and needing it to feel awake in the morning.

Not to mention how the caffeine stimulation aggregated my Vata dosha - making me spacey, hard to focus, irregular digestion, dry skin and many more symptoms that I had labeled as normal. As that is just how I am.

I have been now caffeine free for 2 months and I love how I feel :

  • More clarity
  • My energy is even throughout the day ( no need for naps)
  • My digestion and elimination is so much better ( caffeine is very drying for the digestive tract )
  • My moods are more stable
  • My skin is brighter and fresher

 For now I have stopped all forms of caffeine - black & green tea, decaf coffee, matcha, and also chocolate.


Four steps to help you ditch caffeine :


  1. Reduce gradually. Start to reduce the amount and frequency of your drinks. Let’s say you have 2 cups a day, reduce it to 1 and then to a weak version of that one. ( I reduced the caffeine amount for 5 days before I stopped completely and that helped me to avoid the withdrawal headaches )
  2. Create a comforting alternative. A really good quality tea and make a ritual out of it. Coffee alternatives like barley or chicory are great to use with milk so you still get that milky comfort drink.
  3. Focus on what you are gaining and the benefits you will receive. Be prepared to feel agitation and impatience. Trust the process.  Once the caffeine has left your body fully, you will feel calm and peaceful.
  4. Acknowledge that you have been consuming a drug and by removing it, there will be an adjustment period. Be gentle and kind with yourself.


Enjoy the process and be kind to yourself through each step.

Here is an alternative hot milky drink as sometimes I just miss this warm milky and aromatic feeling.

Comforting and warming latte

1 tsp of ghee



Carob powder

Barley&Chicory powder

1 cup warmed up raw full fat milk ( or alternative milk)

1 cup boiling water

Maple syrup

Mix the water and spices. Add barley&chicory and milk. Sweeten it with maple syrup. Play around with spices and Barley&chicory s that it will satisfy your taste.


Enjoy :)

Very often the need for coffee is actually a habit and comfort that we get from the habit. Try other alternatives and you might be surprised how freeing it is. Plus how much better you will feel.

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